Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the one with the 100EC Credits going on 200EC Credits

I've been constantly dropping my Entrecard for 3 weeks now with an average of 60-80 drops per day. As you can see, its not that much as 60-80 drops is just the 20%-27% of the total drops you can make each day which is 300 drops, but two weeks ago, the cost to advertise on this blog through Entrecard hit the 100EC credit mark. That means that even if I don't drop my card that much, a large percentage of the entrecarders, which I dropped my card, reciprocates a drop. I also noticed that the same entrecarders drop their card to me everyday and have become, sort of, like, my regular droppers. Thank you regular droppers, haha! I've been also trying to drop on every entrecarder that have dropped on me for the past week so the cost to advertise on this blog is now going to reach the 200EC credit mark. The downside to this is I don't receive many ad requests like before but that's ok because I'm still happy for the Entrecard traffic I'm receiving! :D